2015 wishes

I opened my first blog in 2014, I was shocked that all of them has already accomplished. One reason is probably I wrote it down and I remembered about it. Now, I want to write my next plan in 2015. Hopefully all of them will truly happen.
2015 wishes.

1. iBT score and GRE Score Pass in the requirement score.
2. Being accepted in my dream University in the United States.
3. Arrive in the states safely.
4. Travel to minimum 20 states in the US, visit Statue of Liberty, White house, Niagara, Mount Rushmore, Various museums, Various Ivy league Universities, Gran canyon, etc.
5. Take my conference in Canada (Meet kak Ika there).
6. Go to Mexico.
7. Take my internship to the European counties.
8. My GPA in the 1st Semester hopefully reach above 3,5 points.
9. Follow minimum 2 extra curricula in the University.
10. Have approximately …..US dollars.
11. Sanggar Juara well organizes and well established even though I will be not in Indonesia.
12. Secretariat Sanggar Juara.
13. Meet the good person to rent my house while I go to the States.
14. Have a lot of international best friends outside.
15. Publish minimum 1 research paper to my Company. Give my best to my company.
16. My weight hopefully reaches 47 kg.
17. Have ‘adem anyem’ relationship with my other half 😛
18. Do sport regularly, hopefully I will have a good shape of body.
19. More stylish.
20. Have a clean and luxurious long hair.
21. Fasting Senin-Kamis regularly, or do diet regularly.
22. Omit sweet, oily foods.
23. Have good emotion, especially control my ego, my mouth, my negative things in mine.
24. Healthy all the time, my family and the ones who I love also healthy.
25. Have spiritual soul more than before.
26. Give TOEFL preparation course to the Kakak Asuh Sanggar Juara.
27. Teach in Sanggar Juara Students every 2 weeks.
28. Speaker in some conferences and Seminar.
29. #SJFest2015 and get the best new President for SJ 2015.
30. Meet ibu, mbak illy, kak Tari, Aneth, Michell in the states.
31. Buy my iPone 6 in the states.
32. Give my lovely Mama, Papa, Kakak, Cultimin, Mas Dody a good gifts to their birth day.
33. Read minimum one book every month.
34. Have my SIM A driving license, Big pink suitcase, New SLR to Papa, New watch to Bapak.
35. Perbanyak Bersyukur. 

Well, I want to say billions thanks for 2014, some of my big dreams have already happened. Thank you for the good people who always support me. Especially thank you for my lovely Dody Setiawan you always support me, help me, give recommendation, and give solution and so on. Hopefully in 2015 we will get better year ahead.

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